nj3ZrRftyqbnHo9QXCwwww== Pod Warmers | My Gold Canyon Candle Adventure

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pod Warmers

Pod Warmers seem to be becoming all the rage right now.  You pick out the one that goes with your decor, put a pod on it, plug it in and turn it on, and voila.. your house has a lovely scent without a flame.  We have quite a few different styles of warmers, you should be able to find one that fits your decor.  There are over 70 scents that you can use in your warmer, so you should never be without a wonderful scent.  One of the greatest features is that if you want to change scents, you just take the pod off and put a new one on, no cleaning, no mess.

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome. I love the ease of my pod warmer. Nearly every guest at my last party bought a warmer, they are that great!


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