I have been with Gold Canyon Candles since November of 2008. At that time, I had been in romance for 2 years, but did not know if it was something that I was going to continue, hence joining Gold Canyon. I ended up leaving romance in January of 2009 and continuing on my Gold Canyon journey.
In August 2009, I ended up making Manager with Gold Canyon which earned me a free trip to Phoenix for training in October. It was a whirlwind 2 days, with meeting and networking with other ladies that also attended. Some had made manager in less than 2 months, while others had taken more than two years. I learnt many different and interesting ideas.
I am still continuing my journey with Gold Canyon and things are going well. I am constantly looking for new people to host parties and experience Gold Canyon if they have not already, and I am looking for new people on my team. Contact me if you are either of these!